
  Apr 9 Download pre-print versions of all non-LNCS papers (posters). LNCS papers are in the proceedings.
In the poster schedule, for non-LNCS papers you can click on the link "Journal" to see the full paper.
  Apr 8 Download pre-print version of all papers. Ask me for the password.  
  Apr 4 Program and schedule of poster presentations announced. Please check the time of your talk and contact us if there is any problem.  
  Apr 4 On the local committee's page, you will find info on the tours and buses to the conference venue, official hotels from where the buses will depart, local FAQ, contact and emergency numbers, and much more. On that page, use a yellow button in the top left corner to pull out the menu with of all available pages.  


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about CICLing

15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics

April 6–12, 2014 - Kathmandu, Nepal

Publication: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science; posters: issue of a journal
Cultural program: three full-day tours by Kathmandu, to Buddhist monasteries, Chariot Festival
Jerry Hobbs, Bing Liu, Suresh Manandhar, Johanna D. Moore. Special guest: Jens Allwood.

Awards: best paper, best presentation, best poster, best software
See our verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy
Endorsement by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) applied for
Volunteer helpers wanted!

Eyes of Buddha on a stupa in Kathmandu

See also photos of past CICLing events

Jens Allwood
U. of Göteborg
  Jerry Hobbs
  Bing Liu
U. of Illinois
  Suresh Manandhar
U. of York
  Johanna D. Moore
U. Edinburgh













Call For Papers

Please distribute!

Why CICLing?

This conference is the thirteenths CICLing event. Some comments about past CICLing conferences include: Best NLP conference in Europe (Dan Tufiş, 2010), Fantastic conference! (Martin Kay, 2004), Everything was just great! Super-hyper-ultra-well done! (Igor Mel'cuk, 2000). We consider the following factors to define our identity:

   High reputation. CICLing is one of leading NLP conferences, ranked 6th in Computational Linguistics by Google Metrics, ranked 8th in NLP by ArnetMiner, and B by the CORE list.

   Good publication. The Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) published by Springer is a prestigious book series / journal highly valued in many countries for university promotion. CICLing is included in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, and a number of other important indices.

   Excellent keynote speakers. We invite the most prominent scientists of the field to give keynote talks that (unlike other conferences) are published in extenso in the proceedings. Each keynote speaker also organizes an additional tutorial or discussion. They usually participate in the cultural program, where you can interact with them in an informal environment. [Past participants' opinions]

   General interest. The conference covers nearly all topics related to computational linguistics and NLP. This makes it attractive for people from different areas and leads to vivid and interesting discussions and exchange of opinions.

   Informal interaction. The conference is intended for a rather small group of professionals. This allows for informal and friendly atmosphere, more resembling a friendly party than an official event. At CICLing, you can pass hours speaking with your favorite famous scientists who you scarcely could even greet in the crowd at large conferences.

   Excellent cultural program. The conference is intended for people feeling themselves young in their souls, adventurous explorers of both science and life. Our cultural program brings the participants to unique marvels of history and nature often hidden from ordinary tourists.

Why Nepal?

   Nepal is the birthplace of the Buddha!

   The Organizing Committee Secretary, Sagun, is the hereditary Supreme Priest of an ancient Buddhist temple (which we maybe will visit). Where else a CICLing would be organized by a Supreme Priest?

   Nepal is the birthplace of pagodas! Pagodas were invented in Nepal and then spread to China and Japan.

   Nepal is a place we have heard of so many times but could not even dream to visit.

   The Earth's highest mountain, Everest, is half in Nepal (and half in China). You can take a tour to see it from a small airplane! (Not as part of the conference program; some $100.) I saw it!

   Of world's 10 highest mountains, 8 are in Nepal!

   Nepal was the only, or maybe one of very few, places in the region that British Empire could never conquer: in part due to that Nepalese warriors are so excellent and in part due to the excellence of Nepal's diplomatic art.

   Nepal is one the youngest democracies in the world.

   Many of us remember the chocking news of the tragic massacre in which the whole Nepali royal family was killed, unique and hopefully last such tragedy in modern times. We will be able to see the spot where the tragedy took place, now a museum.

   Nepali flag is the only non-rectangular national flag in the world.

   I visited Nepal when preparing for this CICLing, and I can assure you that it's wonderful.


CICLing 2014 is hosted by Centre For Communication & Development Studies, Nepal, and organized by the CICLing 2014 Organizing Committee in conjunction with the Centre For Communication & Development Studies, the Natural Language and Text Processing Laboratory of the CIC, IPN, and the Mexican Society of Artificial Intelligence (SMIA).

About Centre For Communication and Development Studies (CECODES)

Center for Communication and Development Studies (CECODES) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization, situated in Nagbahal, Lalitpur. The organization was established in the year 2010, legally registered in Lalitpur District Administration Office and is affiliated to Social Welfare Council. Center for Communication and Development Studies (DESCECO) works in collaboration other national and international research and academic institutions on various projects in the areas of its objectives.

CECODES has following objectives:

Areas of interest

In general, we are interested in whatever helps, will help eventually, or might help computers meaningfully deal with language data.

The conference is intended to encourage exchange of opinions between the scientists working in different areas of the growing field of computational linguistics and intelligent text and speech processing. Our idea is to get a general view of the state of art in computational linguistics and its applications.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics, provided that the work is presented in computer-related or formal description aspects:

Computational linguistics research:

  • Computational linguistic theories and formalisms
  • Representation of linguistic knowledge
  • Lexical resources
  • Morphology, Syntax, Semantics
  • Discourse models
  • Ambiguity resolution
  • Anaphora resolution
  • Word Sense Disambiguation
  • Recognizing Textual Entailment
  • Text generation
  • Machine translation
  • etc.

Intelligent text and speech processing and their applications:

  • Speech processing and text-to-speech
  • Text categorization and clustering
  • Information retrieval
  • Information extraction
  • Text mining
  • Summarization
  • Spell checking
  • Detection of plagiarism
  • Natural language interfaces
  • etc.

We welcome works on processing any language (not necessarily English), though major languages are of more general interest. When discussing phenomena of languages other than English, please keep your discussion understandable for people not familiar with this language.

You can have a look at the contents of the proceedings of past CICLing events to get an idea of our interests. If not sure whether your topic is of interest, please ask us.

Keynote speakers

Traditionally, our keynote speakers give a formal talk, which is also published in extenso in the proceedings, and also organize a "special event" (a discussion, tutorial, experiment, or something just interesting). Such events, as well as publication of the keynote talks in the proceedings, are distinctive features of CICLing. [Past participants' opinions]


      Jerry Hobbs, ISI

Friday 11

Keynote talk: Rich Commonsense Theories as a Foundation for Lexical Semantics

I will argue that lexical semantics should be anchored in underlying theories of the commonsense world. I will focus on three specific areas: scales and words indicating scalar judgments; change of state and causality, and some of the most common event verbs; and goal-related notions, such as trying, success and failure, functionality, importance, and threats.

Special event: Future Directions: Is Deep Understanding Possible, and Can We Get There from Here? Discussion

  Bing Liu, University of Illinois

Monday 7

Keynote: Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Processing

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is one of the most active research areas in NLP and is also widely studied in several other fields. Its popularity is perhaps due to two key factors. First, it has a very wide range of applications because opinions are central to almost all human activities and are key influencers of our behaviors. In recent years, industrial applications of sentiment analysis have flourished. Second, it offers many challenging research problems. It touches every core issue of NLP, yet it is confined because a sentiment analysis system does not need to fully “understand” each sentence or document. It only needs to comprehend some aspects of it, e.g., positive or negative opinions and their targets. It can be considered as a special NLP semantic analysis task. While general natural language understanding is perhaps still far from us, we may be able to solve the sentiment analysis problem. Sentiment analysis offers an excellent platform for NLP researchers to potentially make major breakthroughs on many fronts of NLP. In this talk, I will define the problem, introduce the current state-of-the-art and discuss potential contributions that sentiment analysis can make to the general NLP and vice versa.

Special event:  Fake or Deceptive Opinions in Social Media. Discussion

Opinions from social media are increasingly used by individuals, businesses and organizations for making purchase decisions and making choices at elections, and for marketing and product design. Positive opinions often mean profits and fames for businesses and individuals, which, unfortunately, give strong incentives for people to game the system by posting fake or deceptive opinions to promote or to discredit some target products, services, businesses, individuals, and even ideas without disclosing their true intentions, or the person or organization that they are secretly working for. Such individuals are called opinion spammers and their activities are called opinion spamming. Opinion spamming is now widely used as a very cheap way of marketing. Spamming cases are frequently reported in the press. Opinion spamming not only hurts consumers and damages businesses, but also can be frightening if it is about opinions on social, religious or political issues as it can warp opinions and mobilize masses into positions counter to legal or ethical mores. In this special session, I would like to introduce this problem and discuss with the audience about how NLP techniques can be used to detect opinion spamming. 


Suresh Manandhar, University of York

Tuesday 8

Keynote talk: Progress and Challenges in Unsupervised Learning for NLP

In recent years, unsupervised learning is increasingly becoming an important topic within NLP. In this talk, I will summarise current progress in unsupervised learning focusing primarily in morphology learning, word sense induction and compositional distributional semantics. New developments in learning feature representations and concept learning provides a paradigm shift in NLP. However, despite these encouraging developments, significant challenges remain within each stage of the NLP pipeline – morphology, syntax and compositional distributional semantics. In addition to these, work within non-linear and kernel SVMs and probabilistic knowledge representation languages provide avenues for further research directions.

Special event: Discussion Panel on Resource Scarce Languages

Panelists: Jens Allwood, Sagun Dhakhwa, Patrick Hall, Tomaž Erjavec, Karel Oliva, Krister Lindén

Chair: Suresh Manandhar

The aim of this panel discussion is to come up with a better understanding of the issues and challenges facing resource scarce languages. While progress in the applications of NLP within the major languages continue unabated, there is a danger that the adoption of new NLP technology will suffer within the developing world. This may have wide negative implications. The panel will discuss a range of issues facing resource scarce languages covering localisation, data collection, annotation tools, pre-processing tools, NLP toolsets. It will also discuss specific technical challenges that resource scarce languages pose to the NLP community and how NLP might aid the preservation of endangered languages.

  Johanna D. Moore, University of Edinburgh

Thursday 10

Keynote talk: Summarizing Options in Spoken Dialogue Systems

The goal of spoken dialogue systems (SDS) is to offer efficient and natural access to applications and services. A common task for SDS is to help users select a suitable option (e.g., flight, hotel, restaurant) from the set of options available. When the number of options is small, they can simply be presented sequentially. However, as the number of options increases, the system must have strategies for summarizing the options to enable the user to browse the option space. In this talk, we evaluate two approaches to information presentation in SDS: (1) the Refiner approach (Polifroni et al., 2003) which generates summaries by clustering the options to maximize coverage of the domain, and (2) the user-model based summarize and refine (UMSR) approach (Demberg & Moore, 2006) which clusters options to maximize utility with respect to a user model, and uses linguistic devices (e.g., discourse cues, adverbials) to highlight the trade-offs among the presented items.

Using a Wizard-of-Oz methodology to evaluate the two approaches, we show that in addition to being preferred by users, the UMSR approach is superior to the Refiner approach in terms of both task success and dialogue efficiency, even when the user is performing a demanding secondary task. Finally, we hypothesize that UMSR is more effective because it uses linguistic devices to highlight relations (e.g., trade-offs) between options and attributes. We report the results of a study showing that the discourse cues in UMSR summaries help users compare different options and choose between options, even though they do not improve verbatim recall.

Special event: To be announced


Special guest

      Jens Allwood, University of Göteborg

Tuesday 8

Lecture: Some challenges for the language technology of less resourced languages

At present, there are around 7 000 languages in the world. The situation is not stable and languages are disappearing at a fairly quick rate. Mostly disappearance of languages is also connected with disappearance of the culture connected with the langauage and often with a resulting lower quality of life for those who lose their language.

I will discuss some of the ways in which language technology in combination with information and communication technology can provide support for small, less resourced languages and cultures.
Examples from work in Nepal concerning Nepali and Lohurung will be presented as illustrations.

Important dates

Expression of interest = registration of abstracts, see below


Full text of registered papers


Notification of acceptance

Passed, but some notifications are delayed

Camera-ready for LNCS


Camera-ready for journals (not LNCS)

to be announced

Early registration (authors)

no fixed deadline, but please help us by paying as soon as possible!


April 6–12, 2014

Submitting a paper constitutes a consent for publication and a promise in case of acceptance to attend the conference and to pay the fee. See more details in the legal notices.

Paper submission is divided into two phases:


By submitting a paper, at least one author has thereby promised, in case of acceptance, to pay the registration fee.

Payment instructions and fee amounts announced. We do not fix any deadline, but please help us by paying as soon as possible!

Registration form open. Please reserve your seats for tours, indicate the info for your badge, receipt, etc.

The fee is per participant and per paper. I.e., for each paper, at least one fee is to be paid: if a participant presents two papers, two fees are to be paid. On the other hand, a participant that does not present any paper should pay a fee.

For questions, please contact us at the registration@ address as indicated here.

We tried to make the fee as low as we could. Why this fee?

On reduced registration fee: A limited number of reduced fees will be available. To apply, please contact us and thoroughly justify your application. Eligible for reduced registration are people from underdeveloped countries in case if their institutions have real difficulties paying the full fee (generally not included: North America, Western Europe, China, South Korea, Japan, but if you feel your situation is really different, try applying anyway). Authors must apply for reduced registration (clearly indicating the discount amount) before submission of their paper, and also must tick the group "[X] Discount or waiver is requested" in the web submission system. No applications will be considered for already reviewed papers. Notes:

We are interested in a few volunteer helpers, please contact us. Speakers of the local language and residents of the local venue are preferred. The volunteers may or may not have preference in assigning fee reduction.


All papers accepted for full oral presentation will be published in a proceedings volume edited by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (confirmed), which is indexed in many major indices. Papers accepted for short oral presentation plus poster presentation will be published separately in a special issue of a journal (to be announced later), see Poster Session (let us know if you actually prefer the poster type of publication).

In addition to the text of the paper, authors are strongly encouraged to provide code and data that permit to reproduce their results, see CICLing verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy.

Before submitting, please check our legal notices on video recording and on obligations of authors. In particular, by submitting a paper, at least one author thereby promises, in case of acceptance, to attend the conference in person to present the paper and to pay the corresponding registration fee. Submissions are received electronically:

  Enter the page  
  Submission guidelines  

Contact: See email options, fax, and the street address on Please avoid sending us any physical mail: we strongly prefer electronic communication.

Verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy

Starting from 2011, CICLing implements a policy of giving preference to papers with verifiable and reproducible results, i.e., papers that provide the code and lexical resources that allow to reproduce the results. This is not a requirement. If for any reason you cannot accompany your paper with the code, go ahead and submit your paper normally.

A Special best verifiability, reproducibility, and working description award will be given at the conference.

For the time being, we encourage the submitted software to be anonymous but we do not require this: your data (but not the text of your paper) can disclose your identity if there is no reasonable way of avoiding this.

If your data are too large to be attached within the EasyChair program, then please:

Please try to make your software self-contained by reasonably including whatever is needed to run it (such as specific versions of programs). Specifically, please avoid pointing to URLs where the data can be downloaded from; instead, please include the actual data whenever possible -- this is important for reproducibility because the data on remote servers might change (or become unavailable) at any moment, while attached data will be safely stored on our servers. All programs should be submitted in source code, and all data in clearly specified, preferably human-readable, format.

Please see our reasons and goals, a detailed description of the CICLing verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy, and some FAQ. Note that by submitting your material you allow its free distribution in case of acceptance of your paper; see more details in legal disclaimers.


The following awards will be given at the conference:

 Best Paper awards will be assigned by the Award Committee basing on the reviewers' scores and judgment of the Committee members. The criteria taken into account are: novelty, originality, and importance of the reported work and overall quality of the paper.

 Best Student Paper award will be assigned by the Award Committee basing on the same criteria, but choosing out of papers whose first author is a full-time student and excluding the papers selected for a Best Paper award.

 Best Verifiability, Reproducibility, and Working Description award will be assigned by the Software Reviewing Committee for the software accompanying the paper that best fulfills the goals of our verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy. The criteria taken into account are: the clarity, simplicity, completeness, and overall quality of the code accompanying the paper that allows to verify and exactly reproduce the claims of the paper; see more details in the instructions for software reviewers.

 Best Presentation award will be assigned oral session authors by a ballot among all participants. The criteria taken into account are: the clarity and overall quality of the presentation, and in lesser degree the technical quality of the presented work.

 Best Poster award will be assigned to poster session authors by a ballot among all participants. The criteria taken into account are: the clarity and overall quality of the poster, and in lesser degree the technical quality of the presented work.

Poster & Demo session

Program; schedule of poster presentations.

The papers accepted for the poster/demo session are anticipated to be published in a special issue of a journal, to be announced later. See here the guidelines for submitting and preparing your poster.

Poster session will be combined with the welcome party, so people will be in good mood when reading your poster. In our experience the authors often have better opportunity to communicate their idea to interested attendees via individual live interaction at a poster presentation than via standard talk. If you feel your paper is not competitive enough for the oral session, do go ahead and submit it: a poster can be an excellent opportunity for you to get feedback.

Immediately before the poster session the poster papers will be presented (better to say, announced) orally. Each presentation will be of one minute, and you can use a couple of slides. We recommend to use one or two slides to show the title and the main idea of your work, and the final slide to show an image of your poster, for people to recognize your poster during the poster session. The purpose of this one-minute presentation is not to explain your work in detail but to attract attention of people to you and your poster. If you succeed, you will then have two hours to explain your work to all interested people, during the poster session and in fact all the breaks on other days. Please only include the main selling points of your work in this short presentation; too dense information would only confuse people.

To streamline the session, we will ask you to send us your presentation, to be pre-loaded to our laptop. If you have your laptop at the conference, then please also have the same presentation prepared on your laptop in case if for any reason it does not run correctly on ours.

General schedule

There will be four days of technical program and three days of academic activities and cultural program (see our disclaimer about availability of tours).

Sunday 6:


Academic and cultural activities

Monday 7:


keynote talk, regular talks, special event, short presentations session 1, poster session 1, welcome party 1

Tuesday 8:


keynote talk, regular talks, special guest lecture, regular talks, special event

Wednesday 9:


Academic and cultural activities

Thursday 10:


keynote talk, regular talks, special event, short presentations session 2, poster session 2, welcome party 2

Friday 11:


keynote talk, regular talks, special event, awarding and closing ceremony

Saturday 12:


Academic and cultural activities

If you don't have time for the cultural program, you can arrive on Monday and leave on Friday; you will miss some cultural activities.

Accepted papers and detailed program

Accepted papers with abstracts.

Program and the schedule of poster presentations.

Cultural Program

We will have three full-day tours: Sunday 6, Wednesday 9, and Saturday 12. We will visit main tourist attractions in and around Kathmandu. In addition, we will make the Everest flight (optional, for additional fee).

See the cultural program page. See the tentative tour itinerary and pictures and some information on the Everest flight.

See applicable conditions and disclaimers. Some activities will depend on weather conditions and can be cancelled without refund if weather is not suitable.


Bus schedule with a map of hotels.

The official hotel of the conf is fully booked now. Here are other options. Note the small print at the bottom of that page: the hotels are 23% more expensive than indicated. In the registration form you can ask us to book a hotel for you.

It is convenient for the participants to stay in the same hotel, to facilitate informal interaction. Usually our participants form ad-hoc informal companies in the hotel reception to go to some restaurant, local sightseeing, etc. All cultural activities will start from the official hotel. In addition, this hotel provided discounted rates for CICLing participants. We suggest you not to book a different hotel.

Transportation instructions are provided on the local information page.

Local guide and venue info

Bus schedule with a map of hotels.

Getting to Kathmandu: If you don't find direct flights, you can most probably fly to India (Delhi) and from there by a local airline to Kathmandu. There is easy regular correspondence between Delhi (or other large Indian cities) and Kathmandu, for under USD 200 round trip. Check, for example, Air India, Jet Airways, IndiGo, etc. Or, check Nepal Airlines for connections with nearby countries. Check also an agency such as Yatra or NepalAirTicket. Note: for this, you may need a tourist or transit visa to India.

Please see the venue info and local transportation guide. The information on that page is likely to be expanded in the future.

Legal notices and disclaimers

By submitting a paper or attending the conference you accept the following terms:

Obligations of the authors. Submitting a paper constitutes a consent for publication, acceptance of the terms specified hereby, and a promise in case of acceptance to provide a correct and complete camera-ready version of the paper in editable (source) format, a duly filled copyright transfer form, to attend the conference, and to pay the registration fee, except in the cases agreed upon in due time with the organizers.

Software and data. Software and data accompanying the paper will be treated in the same way as the paper itself in that in case of acceptance, free access to this material can be provided to the readers of the paper or to public. By submitting software or data, you agree that in case of acceptance, it can be freely distributed by the organizers, and anybody is allowed to copy it. This also applies to the cases when you provide only a URL: you agree that the organizers can store a copy of the data accessible via this URL and, in case of acceptance, freely distribute this copy. While you cannot restrict copying of the submitted data (otherwise don't submit it), you can restrict using your data by including a reasonable no-nonsense license, which should allow the use of the data for research purposes.

Cultural program. The cultural program is a courtesy of the organizing committee provided "as is" and intended to help the participants in visiting certain places, which they visit under their own risk and responsibility. Quality and safety. Some or all of the cultural program activities may be organized not professionally but by volunteers. We will make any reasonable effort in order for the activities to be interesting, well-organized, and safe, but we cannot guarantee any particular quality of service. Some activities may require physical effort, such as much walking or hill-climbing, and/or rely on the use of public transportation. Force-majeure. Though so far no tours have been cancelled due to force-majeure circumstances at any of past CICLing conferences, the following disclaimer applies: Some or all of the cultural program may depend on weather conditions, technical, political, or other circumstances. Permission for transportation or visiting specific places may depend on the authorities and not on the organizing committee; thus the corresponding tours can accordingly be cancelled at any moment without prior notice. Since all expenses are done in advance and are non-refundable, in case of cancellation of the tours no refund can be offered to the participants. The organizers may or may not be able to provide alternative cultural or academic activities instead of cancelled tours.

Video recording. All CICLing-related activities, both academic and cultural, may be video recorded, photographed, and/or live video broadcast over the Internet or otherwise. The organizers may make the recordings and photos publicly available or provide them to third parties for any legal purpose, including storage and distribution. Unless otherwise explicitly communicated to the organizers in advance, by submitting a paper, registering for the conference, or attending the conference you authorize the organizers, attendees, or persons authorized by the organizers to video record, photograph, and/or video broadcast all conference activities, including your presentation, and to make these video recordings and photos publicly available and/or available to any third party for any legal purpose, and you also promise to explicitly confirm this authorization, in writing or otherwise, if later asked to do so by the organizers. If this is a problem, please contact us in advance.

General disclaimer. The following text does not imply any specific risk for CICLing attendees; this is a standard legal disclaimer generally applied to any public event in any part of the world: No special insurance, medical service, or security measures are guaranteed to be provided for the conference. The participants are advised to arrange with a third party for their travel insurance that includes international medical coverage, as well as to observe the standard safety precautions. The participants will take part in all activities of the conference entirely on their own risk. The organizers shall not be liable for any illness, injuries, stolen objects, or any other problems that the participants may face during the cultural or academic program of the conference.


General Chair: Alexander Gelbukh

Organizing Committee

  Professor Madhav Prasad Pokharel (chair)    Tribhuban University, Kathmandu
  Professor Jai Raj Awasthi (adviser)   CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Sagun Dhakhwa (secretary) CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Bhim Narayan Regmi CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Krishna Prasad Parajuli CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Sandeep Khatri CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Kamal Poudel CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Bhim Lal Gautam CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Krishna Prasad Chalise CECODES, Lalitpur
  Mr. Dipesh Joshi CECODES, Lalitpur
  Dr. Prajol Shrestha NLP Engineer, Vision Objects

Program Committee


Ajith Abraham

Rania Al-Sabbagh

Sophia Ananiadou

Marianna Apidianaki

Alexandra Balahur

Kalika Bali

Leslie Barrett

Roberto Basili

Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Nicoletta Calzolari

Nick Campbell

Sandra Carberry

Michael Carl

Hsin-Hsi Chen

Dan Cristea

Bruce Croft

Mike Dillinger

Samhaa El-Beltagy

Tomaž Erjavec

Anna Feldman

Alexander Gelbukh (chair)

Dafydd Gibbon

Gregory Grefenstette

Eva Hajicova

Sanda Harabagiu

Yasunari Harada

Karin Harbusch

Ales Horak

Veronique Hoste

Nancy Ide

Diana Inkpen

Hitoshi Isahara

Aminul Islam

Guillaume Jacquet


Sylvain Kahane

Alma Kharrat

Adam Kilgarriff

Valia Kordoni

Leila Kosseim

Mathieu Lafourcade

Krister Lindén

Bing Liu

Elena Lloret

Bernardo Magnini

Cerstin Mahlow

Suresh Manandhar

Diana Mccarthy

Alexander Mehler

Rada Mihalcea

Evangelos Milios

Dunja Mladenic

Marie-Francine Moens

Masaki Murata

Preslav Nakov

Costanza Navarretta

Roberto Navigli

Vincent Ng

Joakim Nivre

Attila Novák

Kjetil Nřrvĺg

Kemal Oflazer

Constantin Orasan

Ekaterina Ovchinnikova

Ivandre Paraboni

Saint-Dizier Patrick

Maria Teresa Pazienza

Ted Pedersen

Viktor Pekar


Anselmo Peńas

Octavian Popescu

Marta R. Costa-Jussŕ

German Rigau

Horacio Rodriguez

Paolo Rosso

Vasile Rus

Kepa Sarasola

Roser Sauri

Hassan Sawaf

Satoshi Sekine

Serge Sharoff

Grigori Sidorov

Kiril Simov

Vivek Kumar Singh

Vaclav Snasel

Thamar Solorio

Efstathios Stamatatos

Carlo Strapparava

Tomek Strzalkowski

Maosong Sun

Stan Szpakowicz

Mike Thelwall

Jörg Tiedemann

Christoph Tillmann

George Tsatsaronis

Dan Tufis

Olga Uryupina

Karin Verspoor

Manuel Vilares Ferro

Aline Villavicencio

Piotr W. Fuglewicz

Savas Yildirim



Additional Reviewers


Abidalrahman Moh'D
Akshay Minocha
Alvaro Rodrigo
Amir Hossein Razavi
An Ngoc Vo
Andy Lücking
Aniruddha Tammewar
Antonio Jimeno
Armin Sajadi
Chen Chen
Corina Forascu
Daniel Fernández-González
Diman Ghazi
Djamé Seddah
Francisco Javier Guzman
Francisco José Valverde Albacete
Francisco Rangel
Francisco Ribadas-Pena
      Hanna Bechara
Houda Bouamor
Ińaki Alegria
Ismaďl El Maarouf
Janez Brank
Karan Singla
Kassius Vargas Prestes
Kata Gabor
Kazi Saidul Hasan
Mahmoud Abunasser
Mahmoud El-Haj
Majid Laali
Mercedes García Martínez
Michael Piotrowski
Milagros Fernández-Gavilanes
Milos Jakubicek
Mohamed Outahajala
Mohammed Korayem 
      Naveed Afzal
Olga Kolesnikova
Owen Davison
Paulo Schreiner
Radu Ion
Raheleh Makki
Rohit Gupta
Soujanya Poria
Tadej Štajner
Tim Vor der Brück
Tobias Kuhn
Víctor Darriba
Vit Suchomel
Yasushi Tsubota
Yulia Ledeneva
Zahurul Islam
Zuzana Neverilova

Software Reviewing Committee

    Ted Pedersen
Florian Holz
    Miloš Jakubíček
    Sergio Jiménez Vargas
    Miikka Silfverberg
    Ronald Winnemöller

Best Paper Award Committee

    Alexander Gelbukh
Eduard Hovy
Rada Mihalcea
Ted Pedersen
Yorick Wiks

Please distribute!

Please distribute the CFP! Here is a poster in different formats, please hang it on a wall in your University:

Plain text

PDF Letter

DOC Letter

JPG Letter

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Comments: A.Gelbukh.

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