of you.how does. the old always. america,europe,what's happening or what should be happening,and not to mention about. i can't say what should be. i said,me. don't think this any thing interesting,graphically you say that what we. in the early days,it was a lot of active in a lot of places,because this outfit,ideas that the. criticize it was taken up everywhere. i think we have to,just is to say. keeping out. nice to. we never stop working. what in your m united states did almost going in or what?there are one or two research centers. you think that this moment of one. today. there must be some,but there was a big thing when i feel free machine. three separate. you must be george town.and. and that's what it was like.for a huge. i'm not sure what to say.that would really. thank you very much.