i was walking through my college when then i saw an announcement on a billboard. saying that the department engineering,or rather the engineering society,the undergraduate engineering society. gave a prize of twenty five pounds every year. so the undergraduate judge to have given the best thing of this society. and i was always happy to collect twenty five thousand or any other smaller,so if i could find a way of doing it. on the other hand,i was studying medieval languages. and i thought,my chance. i'm getting a twenty five seven. cried the engineering society.which rather low. so i saw one thing that i could leave was any possibility of a serious paper. but if humor is play for much,spend some kind of a chance. so i thought,what is the most sort of a certain topic that one might talk about and pretend that it was serious engineering,and it had something to do with my field. and if there are two obvious. the idea would be to go about something really clearly,completely outrageous,maybe a translating machine.